About Upper Deck Mike

It's October 7th, 1984, I'm 10 years old, watching the Cubs vs. Padres with my Dad and Brother. After two excruciating Cubs loses, the NLCS is tied at 2-2 with one game to play. The Cubs go up early 3-0 with Sutcliffe on the mound. Then the bottom of the sixth happens. A groundball through the legs of Leon Durham and 4 runs later the Padres lead 6-3. The Cubs would not score again and the Padres went on to the World Series.

My Brother and I cried for a few minutes before my Dad talked us into throwing the football around outside. "The Bears will be good this year fellas" he said, adding, "it's Football weather, lets forget about the Cubs." Later that season the Bears lost a heartbreaker in the NFC championship game to the 49ers 23-0....thanks Dad.

Anyway, that first paragraph kind of sums up my life as a Cubs fan. No matter how well they are playing, I'm always waiting for the ball to go through Leon's legs, a black cat to run on the field or a fan to shift the momentum of an inning by reaching innocently for a foul ball.

Despite this, I'm feeling good about the Cubs and their new owner, and I'm counting on some big celebrations ...soon. I think Mr. Ricketts will need a few years before we can judge him, but I like what I'm hearing and I'm sticking with this team come hell or high ticket prices. Many have jumped this ship, and I can hardly blame them, but Cubby blue runs through these veins and I can't let go. Boo-Ya

I've shared season tickets with my brother and two die-hard Cub fans for the past 7 years, and we all agree that being a Cubs fan can be a curse and a blessing. Regardless, I love to talk Cubs baseball and I thought this blog would be a good way to gets some conversations going during the year. It's therapeutic for me, and I hope my followers find it entertaining and comment worthy. I welcome all comments and hope you all keep them coming.

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